Part “The Mummy” and part “Indiana Jones” (with a dose of “African Queen”), Disney’s Jungle Cruise emerges as an old-fashioned summer adventure that will most likely satisfy audiences of all ages. Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt are both likable as a pair of explorers looking for a hidden treasure deep in the amazon jungle. Cue the dangerous animals and the German enemies who would stop at nothing to kill them. It’s a fun ride, for sure, but not without its flaws. I guess you could say that it’s bumpy at times, and it goes on for way too long. Still, there’s a lot to enjoy here, mainly the chemistry between the two leads, who really seem to be having the time of their life . So If you’re looking for a true summer blockbuster to keep you entertained, Jungle Cruise more than fits the bill. It’s nothing revolutionary, but it gets the job done.