For their 155th episode, two 80's kids film critics, two dancing dads, and two time-traveling teachers, Will Johnson and Don Shanahan, follow up their recent...
For their 156th episode, two uninhibited film critics, two ugly pajamas-wearking dads, and two tricker teachers, Will Johnson and Don Shanahan, dig into the vault...
For their 157th episode, two primate film critics, two hairy dads, and two ape-ish teachers, Will Johnson and Don Shanahan, collect their thoughts on the...
For their 158th episode, two chaotic evil film critics, two lawful neutral dads, and two chaotic good teachers, Will Johnson and Don Shanahan, cover a...
Image: In the film industry, safety is paramount, not just for actors but for all crew members, including independent contractors who often handle some...
Image: Hollywood is no stranger to drama, both on and off the screen. Over the years, several well-known movie actors have found themselves embroiled...