For their 185th episode, two futuristic film critics, two mutant dads, and two socially-consicous teachers, Will Johnson and Don Shanahan, begin a new sub-series for 2025 called “The Anniversary Parade.” A host of key classics are celebrating benchmark anniversaries this year and our show will gradually crack into that list all year long. First up is Bryan Singer’s X-Men. Debuting in 2000, the movie turns 25 in 2025. Our guys chop it up and spin into an editorial on “Unknown-to-Icon Mount Rushmore” when the topic shifted to the phenomenon of Hugh Jackman. Come learn more and stay for the mutual love and respect that fun movies encapsulate. Enjoy our podcast!
Cinephile Hissy Fits is a Film Obsessive media podcast, brought to you by the Ruminations Radio Network. Please visit, rate, review and subscribe. If you enjoyed this show, we have more where that came from, with interesting hosts, and wonderful guests. All are available on iTunes, Spotify, and anywhere you find your favorite shows. Follow the show on Twitter at @CinephileFit and on Facebook. Also, find both Will Johnson and Don Shanahan on Letterboxd as the accumulate their viewings and build their ranks and lists. Lastly, check out their TeePublic store for merchadise options from stickers to t-shirts!